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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary Guild is open to all women in the congregation.   It traces its history back to February, 1950, when six women met to organize a Ladies Guild.  This active group honored its Charter of “Working for the Church.”  The members regularly conducted bake sales in Madison center to raise funds for a church building.  As church membership grew, so did the Ladies Guild. 

The Women’s Guild is still active in supporting needs within the church, the community and in the mission field.  We gather together for dinners, creative crafts, Bible study, and gardening, and an assortment of other activities from September through June.  In December, we go caroling to our older members.   During the months of renovation, meetings will be held at different members’ houses. 

The Women’s Guild is affiliated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), an international organization that helps to support various mission opportunities throughout the world.    

Funds for our many projects are raised through tag and bake sales, a Christmas Craft Fair, and with the sales of Georgia pecans.    Along with our foremost focus of the present time, that of equipping the new kitchen, we hope to continue to support many of our past mission projects.  Among them are:

In our Church:

            LCM Helping Hands

            Confirmation Sunday Coffee Hour

In our Community:

            Ronald McDonald House (New Haven, CT)

            Christian Community Action Group

            Bikes for Kids

In our District:

            Lutheran Social Services

Luther Ridge Chapel Fund

In our Nation:

            Three residents at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown,a residential facility for people with developmental disabilities.

            Lutheran Braille Workers

            Souper” Bowl Sunday, a gift of soups and cash for soup kitchens

In our World:

            Caribbean Children’s Foundation


            The Rev. Jonathan and Juli Blanke and family in Japan

The Rev. Tim and Beth Heiney and family in Guinea, Africa

Alvina Federwitz, Lutheran Bible Translator in Africa

Rebecca (Federwitz) & Danny DeLoach, Lutheran Bible Translator in

Papua, New Guinea

African Bible Colleges Scholarship Fund

Once you have experienced the wonderful and nurturing fellowship that is the base of our get-togethers, you will want to continue joining this enthusiastic group of women. You will be welcomed, along with your ideas and your talents to help us expand our work for the Lord.



In fervent gratitude for the Savior’s dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption,

we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; 

and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service

wherever and whenever He has need in us.

We consecrate to our Savior our hands to work for Him,

our feet to go on His errands, our voice to sing His praises,

our lips to proclaim His redeeming love,

our silver and our gold to extend His kingdom,

our will to do His will,

and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and erring

 into eternal fellowship with Him.  Amen.


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